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Sciving starts first construction at Technical University of Denmark

8th december 2023

Construction picture
Sciving at DTU

Placing the prototype within DTU's dynamic environment not only provides invaluable real-world testing grounds but also fosters a collaborative ecosystem where ideas can flourish and evolve. This strategic location allows us to tap into a diverse pool of talent, including students, researchers, and industry professionals, who share our vision of redefining the future of housing.

Moreover, situating the prototype on DTU's campus serves as a powerful symbol of Sciving's commitment to pushing boundaries and challenging conventional wisdom. By embracing unconventional spaces and embracing forward-looking partnerships, we demonstrate our willingness to break free from the constraints of tradition and embrace bold new possibilities.

The construction of the first Sciving prototype at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) represents a significant leap forward in our quest to revolutionize the housing industry with innovative and sustainable solutions. This collaboration with DTU underscores our unwavering commitment to pioneering research and development, setting a new standard for modular construction techniques.

As the physical manifestation of our modular building system, this prototype showcases the versatility and adaptability of Sciving's approach to housing design. By partnering with DTU, renowned for its forward-thinking ethos and cutting-edge facilities, we harness the power of academic expertise to drive innovation and refine our technological solutions.

In essence, the construction of the Sciving prototype at DTU marks the beginning of an exciting journey towards reimagining the way we live, work, and interact with our built environment. Through relentless innovation, collaboration, and a steadfast commitment to sustainability, we are poised to transform the housing landscape for generations to come.

The construction of the first Sciving at DTU is a part of Erhvervsfyrtårnet Life Science for sustainable construction and business development based on the Fehmarnbelt project, co-financed by EU and REACT-EU funds, and the Danish Board of Business Development.

Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse
EU regional development

Written by Sciving, 2023

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